If you need
Before you reach for the phone or compose an E-Mail or send
a fax, please make sure you have looked through this document first. Make sure you
look at the
Hints and Tips page - that has useful
If you have a question that this document doesn't answer, or are reporting what
appears to be a bug then we will be pleased to hear from you. But if it is a question
that is answered in this document then all we will do is point you to the relevant
section, and you will just get an answer a little bit slower. This is not meant
to be awkward, but we try to keep our costs down to allow us to produce this high
quality software at value-for-money prices, and answering support calls is an expensive
undertaking. After all, some of the major software companies either charge for support
or provide it on premium-price phone numbers. We don't want to have to do that.
Also, please be aware of the level of HTML that InfoCourier
currently supports. There is no point in telling us that InfoCourier doesn't support
Marquees or Frames, we know that. We may add further support in due course (check
our Web site at http://www.smartcode.com
for latest news) but until then you will need to work within the current release's
level of support.
And we cannot teach you HTML, or answer "how
do I make my page look like this" type questions. There are a huge range of
books on HTML.
OK, so the answer is not in here, or you've
found a bug. What now-
If you have a licensed copy
- By Phone
- You can call your local distributor (details from Help/Order Form), or us
directly, but if you choose to contact us directly please remember we are located
in the U.K. so if it is 10 a.m. where you are it may be the middle of the night
in the U.K. and nobody is going to be here to answer! Our normal office hours are
9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. U.K. time. Be ready to quote your license details (that appear
in the About box of compiled distributables you create).
- Also, please don't call off-hours and just leave a message (or a fax) asking
us to call you back - so many people have abused that in the past that we simply
don't any more.
- By E-Mail
- Alternatively you can E-Mail your queries direct to us at support@smartcode.com,
but please quote your license details (that appear in the About box of compiled
distributables you create) at the top of the message so it can be separated out and
passed on to the correct person immediately. We try to respond to E-Mail queries
from licensed users by return. This is probably the better choice if you are E-Mail
capable as we can be sure the right person is available to give you the best answer
and if needs be send you a fix.
- Other mechanisms
- You can also use any of the mechanisms described below for users of unlicensed
If you have an unlicensed evaluation copy
- On-Line
- This is the quickest way to get support. We have support forums on a variety
of On-Line Services and we monitor them daily, or your question might be answered
even quicker by a fellow user. Even if you aren't directly connected to one of these
on-line services then you may be able to access them (for example the Internet Newsgroups)
from a service you are connected to. We offer support on the following services:
- Compuserve. GO UKSHARE and ask in section 4, Oakley Data (this is our own
support forum).
- CIX. Join the oakley conference and ask in the Icourier topic.
- Internet. Ask in the comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html newsgroup. Include the
text InfoCourier in the message header and we will spot it.
- By Mail
- You can write to us at:- Oakley Data Services, InfoCourier Support, Lion
Buildings, Market Place, Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 8HZ, United Kingdom.
- or to your local distributor.
- By Fax
- You can fax us at +44 (0)1889 563219. We batch the faxes up and answer them
once a week or so, although if you are a licensed user, include your license details
and if we spot it we will try to answer quicker. We often update the FAQ if lots
of people ask similar questions, and then send you that, but if you do have a unique
query or have found a genuine bug we will respond individually.
- By E-Mail
- You can E-Mail us on support@smartcode.com
- queries are batched up and answered once a week. We often update the FAQ if lots
of people ask similar questions, and then send you that, but if you do have a unique
query or have found a genuine bug we will respond individually.